Goat Fund Us: Update #4

Hello everyone, it is really time to give you an update from the farm. It’s been a little while since the last one but we’ve all been busy taking care of the animals as well as organizing help and supplies. Like for everyone else, this situation is still very foreign and new to us with its many challenges, multiple problems and countless questions. We don’t know how long this might be going on for and, although this uncertainly is difficult, we are trying to plan ahead as good as we can.

photo of staff member and hay bales

Goat Fund Us: Update #3

Today I’m happy that I can share some great and uplifting news with you. First let me start again with a huge THANK YOU to all our supporters. Seeing your continuous support coming into the campaign be it through donations as well as all your positive and encouraging messages is really heartwarming and gives us hope in these uncertain times of which we don’t know how long they will go on for.

Goat Fund Us: Update #1

Hello everyone, this is our first update on the fundraising campaign and I really would like to use this opportunity to say THANK YOU!!! None of us at the farm had expected to find that much support and generosity in the community as well as from different places all over the world.

photo of a peacock standing on a sign

Goat Fund Us: Help the Beacon Hill Children’s Farm

The Beacon Hill Children’s Farm is a small local family farm in Victoria, British Columbia. The farm might be small in size but we are proud to provide a loving home to more than a hundred farm animals. Over the past 35 years we were so fortunate to be able to share this amazing experience of living with and caring for these animals with lots of visitors – tourists and locals alike.

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