The following post is an archive of our GoFundMe campaign which began in 2020.
Hello everyone,
Today I’m happy that I can share some great and uplifting news with you.
First let me start again with a huge THANK YOU to all our supporters. Seeing your continuous support coming into the campaign be it through donations as well as all your positive and encouraging messages is really heartwarming and gives us hope in these uncertain times of which we don’t know how long they will go on for.
Yesterday we went out to two local farms and loaded up the trailer with a hundred bales of hay for the animals. That will keep them well fed for the next several weeks. Especially the goats go through a lot of hay.
Today we also want to send a special Thank you to a local supplier of animal feed. We are so very grateful to Dennis from Topshelf for a big donation of goat grain as well as to Doug from Duncan to organize and deliver it all to us. That is a huge help! We already let the goats have a little nibble and they say they like it! THANK YOU.
And now here are some news directly from the animals. Many of you have been asking about Sunshine and her adopted son and we’ve received so many sweet messages and good wishes for them. Thank you. Sunshine and her little nephew are doing really well. She has recovered physically, and almost more important is that she seems to be in good spirits and she loves her little boy. We decided to name him “Patch” because patches might be small in size but they are really important as they fix things. Little Patch has certainly helped to mend the hole in Sunshine’s soul. He literally “patched up her heart”. He also sports a small white patch on his side. Patch himself is also doing great. He is nursing well and has already grown a lot. He is curious for new things, likes to play, climb and bounce around and he loves to snuggle up beside Sunshine.
We are so happy for both of them.
Best wishes to you all and stay safe,