photo of Peg the goat

Goat Fund Us: Update #16

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all of you. I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy it safely in good company. Over the past few days our fundraiser was inactive because GoFundMe is changing their internal system and their engineering team was busily working away to transfer all the information of our fundraiser. Since we at the farm are really farmers and animals people our technical abilities are limited and I’m very happy and relieved to say that they fixed everything quickly and the fundraiser is back in working order.

photo of goats peeking over gate

Goat Fund Us: Update #14

Before starting to write this update, I looked back over our campaign and the past season – the most different season we’ve ever experienced – and I came to realize that it’s been almost 6 months since we started this fundraiser. And what an unusual time it has been. After just being open for 6 days in March the farm closed its gates this year on March 12th.

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