photo of a goat

Goat Fund Us: Update #18

I’ve started to write this update over a week ago to share with you some news about our new website and of course about the animals. But then time just seemed to accelerate with everything happening all at once. We had a lot of support pouring in again – it was simply astonishing to witness. This awesome response from the community kept us very busy. But let me just say the most important thing first: THANK YOU. YOU DID IT!

photo of donkeys and miniature horse

Goat Fund Us: Update #17

Time for some news from the animals: Almost all of them are now in Metchosin on the winter farm where they continue to receive all the care they need. They have all settled in nicely, but winter isn’t everyone’s favourite season. Depending on the weather – which has already been rather wet and windy this fall – the goats especially spend lots of time inside their cozy barns always cuddled up closely to their buddies.

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