The following post is an archive of our GoFundMe campaign which began in 2020.

Hello everyone,

I’ve started to write this update over a week ago to share with you some news about our new website and of course about the animals. But then time just seemed to accelerate with everything happening all at once. We had a lot of support pouring in again – it was simply astonishing to witness. This awesome response from the community kept us very busy.

But let me just say the most important thing first: THANK YOU. YOU DID IT! With all your generous donations over many months and also the help of many new supporters we’ve reached the goal of our fundraiser! Back in April we had an awesome start to this campaign and over the many months that followed you kept on supporting us with lots of donations. But our goal always appeared to be in the very far distance that in my eyes it seemed quite out of reach. And just now over the past week we had a lot of donations coming in and I could actually just watch how every one of them brought us closer to our goal. It was just like a miracle when we’ve finally reached it. I don’t think I can accurately express what I’m feeling. It is simply amazing what a lot of people can achieve together. You are all part of this big “support-the-farm-family”, this would not have been possible without you! Thank you.

To go forward from here we’ve decided to keep the fundraiser open. The money we have raised so far with your help enables us to cover the basic costs of feed and supplies for the animals. So we are very relieved that their expenses are taken care off. The fundraiser was created to cover first and foremost the costs of those who are most important to us; that means to make absolutely sure our animals receive all necessary supplies and services. It doesn’t include the wages for the staff or the rent for the winter farm. Luckily the farm qualifies for the federal wage subsidy program which is still a big help in paying for those few staff members who are not laid off over the winter. We will also continue to use the fundraiser to keep you up to date on the life of our animals as well as any plans for the future and the new season. In order to open the farm next spring in a possibly safe way for people and animals there are many things to take into account and some of the practical challenges we are facing will probably involve some small renovations or unexpected adjustments of the farm’s layout.

Let’s move on to the “news” I had originally planned to share. Of course I realize that it comes a bit “late” because it was already on several local news stations and social media, but I still like to invite you to check out our new website with more and updated information and pictures. It is honestly a “farm-tastic” site, with a new look, fun snapshots and more insides into our animals and the farm. This amazing new online presence kept a few of us really busy to get it all up and running, but the result is certainly worth the effort and we are very happy and proud about the positive feedback.

And here are finally some news from the animals: in order to keep all of them in good shape and healthy we had planed a half day of hoof trimming, vaccinating and deworming for our entire goat herd. For that several of the laid of staff came together last weekend to lend a hand and volunteer the necessary hours – of course while keeping strictly to the current health regulations: we only worked in two very small teams with everyone masked up the entire time. Now all of the goats had a quick checkup, a pedicure, they received a preventative wormer and and their vaccinations are all up to date. We love happy and healthy goats!

Our miniature horse Peanut Butter and the two miniature donkeys Opal and Taffy just had a hoof trim by our farrier not very long ago, but now we had to make an appointment for them with our veterinarian to get their teeth floated (filing off any sharp edges or hooks that may form on the edges of the teeth). Especially our senior Peanut Butter but also her two friends need their teeth checked and if necessary treated regularly. Their appointment is coming up in the beginning of December. I know that Peanut Butter is a little angel and was very well behaved the last time she saw the dentist, but I’m almost certain it will be an adventure to accompany our head strong lady Opal through the joy of dental work. I’ll let you all know afterwards how it all went.

I hope you will continue to stay with us and follow our path through this winter and towards a new season. As I mentioned earlier the fundraiser will remain open with any new donations coming in contributing to the animals expenses or necessary changes for reopening. You are all certainly a big part of why we are still able to give all our animals the very best care and all the love they deserve and we are planing to be there for you again next year. Until then I will continue to post updates as things are happening, and please feel free to ask questions or send messages. I’m always happy to tell you more about the animals and the farm.

This coming month with the Holiday season approaching, while the grey and cold weather seems to rule outside, might appear especially dark to some of us, so maybe little stories and pictures of the animals can help to brighten up your day. Looking into their loving and funny faces always makes me smile.

Stay safe, healthy and happy,

photo of a goat
photo of two goats
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