photo of miniature horse

Goat Fund Us: Update #28

This is just a quick and short update to give you a little heads-up for the reopening of the farm. We’ve been extremely busy getting the farm ready and putting the best precautions into place that will hopefully allow a safe and enjoyable time for everyone. And then there was also this current heat wave that put the breaks on most our work as we really had to concentrate on keeping our animals – and all the staff – as cool, well and hydrated as possible.

photo of horse and donkeys

Goat Fund Us: Update #27

In last night’s update I just used the opportunity to give you an inside look in little Rosemary’s world, but all this ongoing and very extensive care for our little girl is just one side of farm life and work. There are many other animals to take care of and much more has happened. I’m very happy to say that lots of our animals have returned to Beacon Hill Park. It is the first time since March 2020 that every pen is inhabited by animals again. And it feels great and full of life!

photo of baby goat wearing a sweater

Goat Fund Us: Update #26

My apologies, it’s been a really long time since you heard from us. I actually started to write this update around the May long weekend, and I almost had it finished, but then “life just happened” and I got totally sidetracked by the normal “craziness” on the farm and in particular by the very intensive care for our little special goat Rosemary.

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