The following post is an archive of our GoFundMe campaign which began in 2020.
Hello again,
In last night’s update I just used the opportunity to give you an inside look in little Rosemary’s world, but all this ongoing and very extensive care for our little girl is just one side of farm life and work. There are many other animals to take care of and much more has happened. I’m very happy to say that lots of our animals have returned to Beacon Hill Park. It is the first time since March 2020 that every pen is inhabited by animals again. And it feels great and full of life!
First our miniature horse Peanut Butter and her two friends, the donkeys Opal and Taffy, returned and they were so excited. We had to take great care unloading them because especially Opal wanted to bolt from the trailer and just go and explore. And let me tell you: Opal really has some attitude – when she wants something you better be prepared! They have settled back in nicely, enjoy their yard with lots of sunshine and good spots for afternoon naps. It didn’t take Opal long at all to remember how to open the gate and lead her two companions on to a little adventurous escape through the farm. They have kept us on our toes.
And then finally the chickens and ducks rejoined us at the farm. The chickens seem to enjoy their big yard with the holes they constantly re-dig, and for some of them the yard is not enough and they venture into the rest of the farm yard. Eclipse, one of our black hens, likes to go for short strolls once in a while and now we’ve just discovered a new “troublemaker”: Sunrise, one of our Easter-Egger, is determined that the very best spot to lay her eggs is inside the hay feeder of the neighbouring barns. We found her deeply buried under some hay, only her little chicken voice guided us to that hiding spot. She quickly got evicted but her mind is set on that specific location to lay her egg of the day and we often find her now sneaking towards the alpaca yard.
The ducks were simply thrilled when they had the chance to take a long bath in the pond after arriving back at the farm and they continue that refreshing routine every day. They always hang out in the same little groups, have their usual little squabbles and scuffles every day to then just lay peacefully together afterwards. Funny duck world!
Now with simply more summer ahead, all of us are certainly ready and hopeful for a brighter future. And it really looks as if we can finally see the light at the end of this “Covid-tunnel”, we just have to get there safely. There have been many inquiries concerning the opening day for the farm this season, we never knew a definite answer but we’ve discussed it endlessly among the staff. With the announcement of the opening plan for BC we started to put our plans into action. We still haven’t worked out every last detail, many are still under discussion and some problems require creative solutions, but we are currently working on several physical changes inside the farm yard, along with revised signage and a new safety and health protocol to do our best for a safe, pleasant and fun visit for everyone involved. We are optimistic that the farm will be able to open for phase 3 of BC’s Restart – but please be prepared that in order to keep our animals and staff safe, there will still be restrictions and limitations while visiting inside the farm. We will keep you posted on any developments and of course on the much awaited date!
Thank you all for just being there – even while being apart – and for all your continuous support. The reality that we are now again preparing to open the farm to visitor and to be able to share our daily life and work with the animals more closely again, would not have been possible without your loyalty. You are a huge part of our farm family and of this journey, and for that we owe all of you a gigantic and heartfelt THANK YOU!!!
We’ll keep you posted and I’m so happy to say “See you soon!”
Stay safe,