The following post is an archive of our GoFundMe campaign which began in 2020.
Hello everyone,
This feels rather weird as I’m about to give you the last update for this campaign and it also feels a little bit like goodbye – but in a good way. The farm is now open again to the public, even while we are still keeping some restrictions in place that we review constantly to decide when to loosen up or lift some of them. It was a lot of work to get the farm ready to open, to create new safety rules that enable everyone involved – visitors, staff and animals – to have a safe and pleasant time and we are still working on improving and possible changing our routines. But despite some stress and trepidation, it felt simply great to open the gates to the public again, to have visitors wander around the farm again, to see the joy on their faces when they can see the animals close up and to see how the animals react to their presence. From the distance over the fence our animals have a chance to get slowly reacquainted with so many different people in their spaces and lives once again and thus they can decide themselves when they are ready for some pets.
Now finally after this update, we will conclude our fundraiser as it was solely set up to help support the animals and the farm during its closure. I’m very relieved that this time is over at last, but I also feel very strongly that during all these months, we’ve built a big community, we’ve made so many new connections and I’ve become very aware of how many different people support the animals and really take an interest in their daily lives and all we do at the farm. I honestly hadn’t anticipated this level of loyalty, compassion and attachment to the animals and the farm and the experience has really touched me deeply and certainly taught me how strong we can be as a community.
So this is it: I like to use this opportunity to thank you all one last time for all your support – no matter how small or large, one time or repeatedly – each of you with every single donation helped us to keep on providing for the animals. From everyone at the farm – animals and humans – we all like to say an honest and deeply heartfelt THANK YOU!
And I would also like to thank you for all the kind messages, uplifting encouragement and many questions and inquiries that we’ve received during the last 16 months. Through all of these I came to understand that so many people really like to get an inside look into the daily lives of our animals and the little and big adventures we share with them. Though while this might be a kind of goodbye as my last update in this form, I’m looking forward to seeing many of you in person back at the farm and I’ve also planned to start something new this fall: I would like to continue sharing our farm life by way of a little blog, a farm chronic or maybe a newsletter. So if you have enjoyed my little animal stories and like to continue to get a virtual look behind the barn doors, keep checking our website this fall. We still have to figure out the technical details, but once the farm season is over and all the animals have safely moved to their winter homes, we will have time to set it all up.
But now, it’s still summer – still plenty of time to enjoy a farmtastic time with the animals in town. Come by for a visit: Tell Peanut Butter Happy Birthday in person – and by the end of July it will be Maple’s big day – see how big and strong Rosemary has grown (I’m so proud of her. Adam from CTV Vancouver Island came by to see her and tell her story), have a look and a laugh when Snow White’s and Goldilock’s little babies explore this big new world, witness how Osmond will get to know his new buddy (arriving soon), stop by and have a chat with old lady Bronwyn in her seniors residence, observe the new rooster Benjamin with all his ladies, admire the gorgeous and always flirting budgies and the colourful conure Mango and see all the other critters, too!
So, this not really goodbye – it’s rather “See you soon”.
Take care and stay safe,