title: Our GOATIES 2021

Goat Fund Us: Update #31

Hello everyone,
After my last update we got multiple inquiries about how to donate – for everyone who likes to support the animals and the farm, but prefers not to receive a sponsorship certificate. So after some discussing and planning we decided to go ahead and reactive the fundraiser; we are just happy and grateful for any help we are getting – be it in the form of sponsoring the animals or donations. We’ve upped the goal of the fundraiser to indicate what kind of help we are hoping for.

photo of goats on a trampoline

Goat Fund Us: Update #30

It’s been several months since my last update, time seems to pass so quickly and lots of things have been happening here and all around us. But for us at the farm our daily lives, our main focus and most of our energy and love go towards the care of the animals – their daily needs and individual care dictate our lives and they certainly keep us busy.

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