Image "Home is where the herd is"

Goat Fund Us: Update #45 & Looking back onto 2024

Hello everyone,

Let me start this update by saying that I hope you all had a peaceful, restful and joyful Holiday season and that we like to wish everyone a good start into 2025 and all the best to carry you through this coming year.

Long time no news from us, the work with the animals and around the farm keeps us busy and there is always a next task to get to. Now it’s been almost a year since I shared any news about the farm and I’m left trying to decide what could be the key points of 2024. There is always so much going on, many little things that keep us on our toes and add a kind of sparkle to each workday. And then there are also some big events every year – good and bad.
It is difficult to paint a complete picture for you, though overall we had a good season with its ups and downs. I’ve picked out a few topics to tell you more about, as always it’s my view of the happenings here and someone else might come to an entirely different selection.

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