Image "Home is where the herd is"

Goat Fund Us: Update #45 & Looking back onto 2024

Hello everyone,

Let me start this update by saying that I hope you all had a peaceful, restful and joyful Holiday season and that we like to wish everyone a good start into 2025 and all the best to carry you through this coming year.

Long time no news from us, the work with the animals and around the farm keeps us busy and there is always a next task to get to. Now it’s been almost a year since I shared any news about the farm and I’m left trying to decide what could be the key points of 2024. There is always so much going on, many little things that keep us on our toes and add a kind of sparkle to each workday. And then there are also some big events every year – good and bad.
It is difficult to paint a complete picture for you, though overall we had a good season with its ups and downs. I’ve picked out a few topics to tell you more about, as always it’s my view of the happenings here and someone else might come to an entirely different selection.

Home is where the herd is!

Goat Fund Us: Update #43 & Looking back onto 2023

Sorry for the long time without any farm news – I don’t know how often I started writing this update and then life brought something else along that needed immediate attention and whatever I was writing about was soon outdated. Sometimes life just has its own pace.

First of all we would like to wish all of you a happy New Year 2024. Let’s hope it’s a really goat one.

Thank you for a great season 2023. Thank you to everyone who visited the farm, for sharing our passion for the animals, for all your interest in their life and our work, for spending time with them, for every smile and kind word – especially on the not so good or stressful days – and for all your continuous support. Each season (and honestly each day) at the farm is different, and while every year comes with its own challenges, overall I’m happy to say that 2023 was a fairly good season and we are all looking forward to the next one.

photo of potbelly pig

Goodbye Maple

Our year seemed to be off to a smooth start but then last week life just took a very unexpected turn that left us with a broken heart and a huge hole in our midst: Sadly and very suddenly we had to say goodbye to our pig Maple and everyone here is truly feeling his absence and mourning this loss.

White alpaca Osmond and black alpaca Lacy freshly shorn

Goat Fund Us: Update #35

Hello everyone,

Summertime finally seems to have arrived in Victoria – including the first really overly hot days. But especially after this rather cold and wet spring the sunshine and reasonably warmer temperatures feel great for anyone spending the days outside – four legged and two legged. It’s crazy how time just flies and the farm has now already been open for almost four months. During that time we had the pleasure to welcome many friends and regular visitors back to the farm, to meet new animal lovers and we’ve all enjoyed once again to share our life and work around the animals with lots of visitors. Many of you will have seen several new faces among the staff as our team of farm workers has grown considerably this season.

photo of Peanut Butter the miniature horse

Goodbye Peanut Butter

Last week we had to take the heartbreaking step to accompany Peanut Butter on her last journey and as sad and overwhelming as this was for everyone at the farm, we tried to say our final goodbyes, thank her for all the good times she gave us and let her know one last time how truly special she was. For us Peanut Butter will always be a “one of a kind” horse and while she was small for her kind, she leaves an incredibly big hole behind.
It is absolutely remarkable how this little horse lady had such a huge impact on so many lives. We are all very touched and amazed about the many messages we’ve received since her passing and they are all filled with memories of Peanut Butter, lots of sympathy and good wishes for the farm team. And while this is a very dark and sad time at the farm with so many little daily details reminding us of this precious horse lady, we all know that the sorrow and pain of her absence as well as the love and adoration for this beautiful and kind horse is shared by many. Thank you.

Title picture of a little movie of Rosie called "Rosie's World -Part2-"

Goat Fund Us: Update #32 & Looking back onto 2021

Hello everyone,
I hope you all got to spend a pleasant and safe holiday season, and kept warm and cozy during the unusually cold weather and now I would like to wish all of you a good start into the new year 2022. Looking back on this past year, I find it difficult to determine what the overall sentiment might be. It was certainly a very full year – filled with challenges, difficulties, loss and a lot of resulting stress, but at the same time also an overabundance of many little and some big moments and experiences filled with happiness, joy, smiles, hope, encouragement, friendship, team spirit and being part of a great community. And all these put together allowed us to balance and overcome any obstacles facing us. Your ongoing, generous and unconditional support along with all your positive and reassuring comments are a very big part of this and always helped us to keep going. Thank you for helping to make this past year a good one!

photo of Bronwyn the goat

Goat Fund Us: Update #25 & Goodbye Alexis

Time for an update from the animals and the farm. These past two weeks have just been especially busy, unexpected and full. But first I like to welcome many new donors and followers to our fundraising campaign and I’m sending out a big THANK YOU to all of you for supporting us through all this time. It’s been now well over 13 months that the farm has been closed and just more than a year since we’ve started this fundraiser. It feels like quite the journey we all went on together.

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